Sunday, February 9, 2014


This week progress was slow and kinda painful but I got the F holes more or less sorted.   Somehow this asked more questions than it will I fix the pick ups, pots  and other potential electrical problems ... how will the pick ups be replaced if they break, without opening up the guitar?...the mahogany was hard to saw and the pattern difficult to follow. This small step for mankind (Meekind?!??) took three hours. And still the mystery remains of which pick ups to use...suggestions welcome! I did learn how to use a coping saw  Catch you next time!!

Yet as always it was great fun 

What else could I possibly pick as a music link? Remember this you funky friends?:

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


At last I am back to chopping wood and gouging out shapes to form what hopefully will be a guitar, and of course generally making a mess.  Both top and bottom are shaping up but this is a real messy job.  Someone has to do it (thats where I come in!)

Slight skin disorder "sawdust face"

Note the outline of the F holes and spaces for pick ups... to be shaped next week using a coping saw.

Thought about linking Led Zeppelins song "Rock N Roll" (see heading) to this but prefer this: